Coinbase® Extension®

Coinbase Extension enhances your crypto experience by providing seamless integration, secure authentication, multi-currency portfolio management, efficient transaction handling....

First things first, make sure you have a Coinbase account. Got that? Awesome. Now, head over to the Chrome Web Store (assuming you're using Chrome) and search for the Coinbase Wallet Extension. Once you find it, click "Add to Chrome" and then "Add extension."

After the installation, you'll see the Coinbase icon in your browser toolbar. Click on it, and you'll be prompted to log in with your Coinbase credentials. This is where the magic happens.

Once you're logged in, you'll have access to your Coinbase Wallet right from your browser. It's like having a crypto vault right at your fingertips. From there, you can manage your funds, check your balances, and even send or receive crypto with ease.

Remember, security is key in the crypto world. Set up two-factor authentication for an extra layer of protection. And keep your recovery phrases in a safe place—maybe write them down and hide them better than a pirate's treasure map.

Last updated